Direct Link Care | The Holistic Care Providers | Oxford

Our services support people on their pathways to independence. Through quality support and housing, we equip people with the confidence, self-esteem, and life skills they need to live independently, whether that’s for the first time or following a significant change in circumstances.

We have established a service level agreement with a housing provider in supported housing with services across England. We are a national organisation, but we think locally.

All support is tailored to each person’s individual needs, through structured care and support plan, which uses the Young Person’s Star model to encourage each person to take control of their lives and work towards achieving their personal goals. Support is focused on eight areas:

Young Persons Support Services

Our supported living services specialise in housing and support for young people, homeless families and individuals, people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and people with mental health needs. We also run two domestic abuse services and support services for older people and those with dementia.

We encourage and motivate people to do as much as they can for themselves, by helping them to gain practical and cognitive skills through personalised support.

The people we support have choice and control in their lives and a voice that shapes our services, based on their views and preferences. We provide support so that people can move on to live independently or provide permanent accommodation with support when complete independence isn’t possible. We strive to help people live happy and fulfilling lives.

We truly care about the people we support and take pride in the services we offer.

We support Care Leavers, looked after children (over 16), children overcoming addiction, Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC), and children that are experiencing family or relationship breakdown.