We offer family support to families that have been identified by the local authorities or charities that are in need of support to live independently in the community.
We also offer support to those families that have completed parenting assessment and are now in need of supported accommodation
The level and nature of support is determined by the needs of the family, and results in quarterly support reports that include family information and updates on the following areas:
- Access to and maintenance of adequate housing
- Child development and education
- The further development of parenting and life-skills
- Access to welfare and benefit support
- Development of formal and informal support networks
- Family check reports
- Home Inventory
We support parent(s) to engage with local health services, including health visitors and midwives. We signpost parent(s) to relevant local support groups/social groups for parents and display information on local pharmacies, G.P.’s, and out of hours health services.
At DLC mother and baby support, we encourage parent(s) to focus on how they can live independently whilst supporting a family.
Support provides parent(s) with the practical skills and emotional resilience to do live independently in the community.
We support young parents to utilise services/resources to which they are entitled. For example, accessing Child Benefit; free prescriptions/dental treatment for new mothers, support from local children centers/early help services.
We support all young people to make a benefit claim (i.e. Housing Benefit, Universal Credit, Council Tax support, and any other relevant benefit) if they are entitled to it. To ensure timely payment, we will support 17-year olds to make benefit applications prior to their 18th birthday.
We will support the young person to access any other benefits/entitlements – for example Child Benefit for those young people in our parent and child placements.
For young parents or parents to be, we are able to offer an intensive support service to assist in developing parenting skills, stability, needs, and risk assessments with support plans.
Each mother and baby have their own fully furnished bedroom, in our bespoke mother and baby support unit, which can provide up to four placements. Each parent will share the communal areas including lounge, kitchen, bottle making, and baby bathing facilities. All baby items will be provided whilst in our unit including a cot, Moses basket, bedding, high chair, and toys.
The unit is staffed 24 hours including waking night staff. Staff support each parent n developing skills to care for their child. Each young parent has an allocated, experienced key worker.
Staff can accompany the young person to appointments, planning and professional meetings, and any health appointments if required. Staff also work in partnership with external agencies if appropriate.